ABL Dogodek: Head2Head
One of the most awaited car events in the last two years has finally gotten a sequel 🙂
In case of heavy rain, the event is going to be held on the backup date, the 28th of September 2024, so have that date reserved also.
For now, this is as much information as we can give you, but since we are not generous with information, we are generous with discounts – on our website is a promotion we will NEVER REPEAT, and it is valid for DRAG RACE Comeptitors, Carshow participants and visitors, so do not miss it.
Promotional tickets available here: https://abl.si/head2head/
Talk to you soon 🙂
In the off chance that it rains on both dates, the 21st and 28th, the event will not be cancelled and will be held in any weather.