Game of Drift Rampage – Logatec, Slovenia – 31.8.2024 – otkazano
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Game of Drift: Rampage (slo. divjanje) je nadaljevanje lanskega uspešnega Game of Drift dogodka. Shranite si datum 31.8.2024, ker bo letošnji dogodek še bolj divji! In divjih dogodkov se ne zamuja, kajne? 😉
Dogodek smo dopolnili z različnimi dejavnosti, ki bodo Logatec spremenili v pravi Motorsport festival. Poleg zanimivega Drift tekmovanja sestavljenega iz različnih tehničnih in spretnostnih ovir, bo letošnji dogodek bogatejši za:
✅ Še večji car show (le izbrani avtomobili)
✅ Kaskaderske točke z motorji in avtomobili
✅ Več Drift Taxi avtomobilov
✅ Otroški kotiček za brezskrbno igranje naših otrok (pod nadzorom varušk)
✅ Odlični burgerji izpod rok Street Food Wagon-a
✅ Vpogled v Drift Box-e za vse obiskovalce
✅ Zaščitne naletne ograje za varno opazovanje dogodka
Vstopnice za gledalce in Drift taxi:
Prijava za selected cars:
KJE: Logatec, poligon varne vožnje
KDAJ: 31.8.2024 (Sobota)
Se vidimo!
Game of Drift: Rampage is the continuation of last year’s successful event. Save the date 31.8.2024 because this year’s event will be even wilder! And there is no missing out on wild events, right? 😉
The event was expanded with various activities that will turn Logatec into a real Motorsport festival. In addition to the interesting Drift competition consisting of various technical and skill obstacles, this year’s event will host:
✅ Even bigger car show (only selected cars)
✅ Stunt show with motorbikes and cars
✅ More Drift Taxi cars
✅ Children’s corner for our children to play carefree (supervised by babysitters)
✅ Excellent burgers from the hands of Street Food Wagon
✅ Insight into Drift Boxes for all visitors
✅ Protective crash barriers for safe observation of the event
Tickets for spectators and Drift taxi:
Registration for selected cars:
WHERE: Logatec, Safe Driving Center Blagomix
WHEN: 31.8.2024 (Saturday)
See you there!