Ultrace 2024
Ultrace is the automotive event that has no equivalent anywhere in the world. It is the largest platform gathering influential figures and brands having a real impact on shaping car culture. It is a social event for which guests from around the world come together with their cars to meet and share positive energy. The truly international character of the show is measured in the thousands of kilometers that drivers undertake to make it to the show. At the same time, each kilometer is the best recommendation for those who have not yet had the opportunity to take part.
Follow us on social media to stay up-to-date. Check our channels for updates: @ultrace_official on Instagram and UltraceOfficial on Facebook. To get to know Ultrace better, we invite you to check out the coverage of last year’s edition.
We care about the comfort of your experience, and for that reason, the number of tickets in batches is significantly lower. Do not wait to make the purchase, tickets are limited. A detailed schedule will be published one month before the event date.